Riccardo Cavanna
President & Lead Strategist
Riccardo Cavanna is a flowpack and sustainable packaging expert with a long term vision of Total Cost of Ownership and an Industry 4.0 innovator.
His personal motto is "Lucky does not exist, there is only the moment when talent meets opportunity".
Since 2002 he was Chief Executive Officer and owner of Cavanna SPA. Since 2021 he is President & Lead Strategist of the Group.
Proudly born in Valsesia (Pedemont, Italy) in 1970, graduated at Business School of Economics at Bocconi University and took an Executive MBA at the MIP (Milan Polytechnic).
Before entering the family company, Riccardo has gained experience in different fields and industry. He has been trained with different internships in Italy, France and 6 months on a German "Berufstecnikschule" after that he held the position of Junior Sales Manager at ALPMA in Germany and CRM, ICT and Sales Network Manager at Deckel Maho Gildemeister Italy.
Proudly committed and passionate of tradeshows and business networking, Cavanna served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ipack-Ima srl in 2016-2018, contributing to the success of Ipack-Ima 2018 edition, that made the show one of the most important in Europe and in the packaging world.
Nowadays he is President of UCIMA (The Italian Packaging Machinery Association) until 2026.
He is Vice President of the local Council of Confindustria (Novara, Vercelli, Valsesia) responsible for human capital and professional training.
He is Ambassador Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation.
He is member of many packaging and network associations: PMMI (The American Packaging Machinery Association), ABIMAQ, GEI (Gruppo Esponenti Brasile), European Kettle Club.
He is also member of some local no profit and alumni associations devoted to development of the territory and education.
He contributes to several University thesis and White Paper on different topics as Crm, digital marketing and tradeshows on BTB, project management and Total Cost of Ownership.
He speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German.

Riccardo Ciambrone
Riccardo Ciambrone, da 4 anni CFO del Gruppo Cavanna, ne assume la carica di Amministratore Delegato nel 2021.
Laureato in Economia all'Università Bocconi di Milano, Riccardo Ciambrone, 60 anni, viene da precedenti esperienze in Apple, Koch Industries, Glaston e Barry Wehmiller e, nelle funzioni finora svolte, ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere profondamente tutte le aziende del gruppo, le loro persone, i loro processi, premessa fondamentale per poterne assumere efficacemente la Direzione.
"Ringrazio gli azionisti per l'opportunità che mi viene data di contribuire, da una nuova posizione, al percorso di sviluppo del Gruppo che, superata l'emergenza Covid, riprenderà presto grazie all'esperienza e al know-how tecnologico del nostro Team."