
Our Service department was started thanks to the insertion and cooperation of some experts from the testing department into the service area and today it is one of the strategic divisions of Cavanna Sales. Our service is a guarantee of constant assistance to our Customers: after sales customer support, technical assistance, training and tests on wrapping materials, maintenance programs based on anticipated life of parts.

This division takes care of the wrapping machines and equipment during their lifetime and maintains the original performance during the machines lifetime. It can provide the resources to modify existing lines, create new sizes and update the electrical and electronic devices, both hardware and software. It also furnishes the supply of mechanical (until 20 years from the purchase of the wrapper/equipment) and electronic parts as spares for new sizes and/or modifications. Finally, it offers technical assistance for the installation of wrappers and their components and training of the Customer's staff in Cavanna or on the Client's site.

The complete revamping of second hand wrappers completes the range that customer support service provides and gives the full guarantee of performance. The technical assistance is granted by qualified personnel coming from our Service Department, the Production Department, our Subsidiares or from a group of properly skilled outsourcing engineers. The aim of our Service Department is to offer a full complement of after sales support be it parts, service engineers, training, upgrades, refurbishments and modifications.

Machine serial number*:
First Name*:
Last Name*:
Privacy Policy Acceptance*:

